Our Environment

Our net zero roadmap demonstrates how we will deliver on our targets, validated by the SBTi

We are aware of the impact our businesses have on the environment and are committed to improving this position through continual review and adaptive management.

Net zero roadmap

Read about our carbon emissions inventory

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Carbon emissions inventory

Scope 1 and 2 emissions inventory FY2023/24

UKScope 1 (Tonnes CO2e)13,46915,946
Scope 2 Location-based (Tonnes CO2e)1,6501,269
Scope 2 Market-based (Tonnes CO2e)
Total Scope 1 & 2 Location-based (Tonnes CO2e)15,11917,215
Total Scope 1 & 2 Market-based (Tonnes CO2e)13,46915,946
Energy consumption of Scope 1 & 2 (kWh)56.9m65.4m
Intensity Ratio Location-based Tonnes CO2e (gross Scope 1 + 2) / £1 million revenue4652
Intensity Ratio Market-based Tonnes CO2e (gross Scope 1 + 2) / £1 million revenue4148
GlobalGlobal Scope 1 (Tonnes CO2e)15,13718,252
Scope 2 Location-based (Tonnes CO2e)1,8591,460
Scope 2 Market-based (Tonnes CO2e)209191
Total Scope 1 & 2 Location-based (Tonnes CO2e)16,99619,782
Total Scope 1 & 2 Market-based (Tonnes CO2e)15,34618,513
Energy consumption of Scope 1 & 2 (kWh)64.9m73.6m
Intensity Ratio Location-based Tonnes CO2e (gross Scope 1 + 2) / £1 million revenue4653
Intensity Ratio Market-based Tonnes CO2e (gross Scope 1 + 2) / £1 million revenue4250

Scope 3 emissions inventory (tonnes (CO2e)

Scope 3Purchased Goods and Services (PG&S)53,77868,132
Capital Goods64,89747,604
Use of Sold Products136,689136,427
Downstream Leased Assets85,84386,953
Other Scope 3 Categories16,61416,728

Reducing carbon emissions across our businesses

Vp Group businesses are working proactively with clients to find new ways to cut carbon emissions, without compromising on performance. We are replacing diesel powered plant and tools with electric alternatives and discovering new ways to improve fuel efficiency and challenge the number of journeys made.

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Four new conservation projects to benefit from Vp funding

Vp plc is providing funding for the fourth year to conservation projects in 2024, totalling £100,000. Most of this amount is shared between four new projects chosen by over 10% of our employees through a survey - a rewilding project in the Scottish Highlands, a Kelp recovery programme in Sussex, a natural flood management scheme in Sheffield and a project to restore peatlands in Lancashire. The balance is being divided into smaller grants for projects which we have committed to funding previously.

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Partnership approach with our supply base

Corporate collaboration is a key element in driving sustainability solutions across various industries.

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Supporting our customers’ sustainability strategies.

Colleagues and community

Our people are specialists and drive the quality of service and solutions that we provide to customers.

Supply chain

The assessment of our sustainability performance will not be limited to our operations. Under our commitments to manage our Scope 3 emissions, we will review both upstream and downstream activities from our operations.


Find out more about the standards we are working to and the frameworks with which we align to.