ESG and Governance

Our approach to environmental and social impact is guided by our core values and responsible business framework

We focus on two main sustainability themes

Minimising the impact of operations

Value preservation through the de-risking of our activities

The Group has taken steps to minimise the impact of our operations on the environment and understanding our entire carbon footprint has allowed priority areas to be addressed.

Our decarbonisation journey is punctuated by some key tactical steps:

  • Consolidation of water and waste management partners and efforts
  • Accreditation with ISO 50001: Energy Management in all of our UK sites
  • Investment in electric and hybrid vehicles in our commercial and Company car fleet
  • Procurement of renewable electricity across our UK property estate
  • Working with customers on co-locating to reduce transport emissions
  • Collaborating with our Estates team on a branch of the future blueprint.
A proactive approach to customer and market sentiment

Value creation through product innovation

Embracing sustainability can drive innovation by pushing the development of new products and services or driving the improvement of existing ones.

We are conscious of the need to develop new solutions in partnership with our key customers, in order to maintain our competitive edge, appealing to both eco-conscious consumers as well as our traditional business partners.

Our Scope 3 emissions inventory has informed the Group and senior management teams regarding the importance of our hire fleet make-up in relation to our overall impact on the environment. Within our divisional structure we have two distinct areas of fleet:

  • Hire fleet, which is zero emissions at point of use e.g. Groundforce struts or TPA roadway panels
  • Powered fleet, which requires either fossil fuel or electricity for that power.

Our approach to ESG links to our investment case and strategy

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Our fleet investment differentiates us from our peers

We are transitioning to a more sustainable rental. This is contributing to our near-term emissions targets, meeting customer needs for cleaner alternatives and aligning with regulatory changes.

  • Zero emissions at point of use
  • Cleaner technology
  • Other investment

Scope 3 emissions: key to a lower carbon operating model

Our value chain emissions (Scope 3) represent 96% of our total Group emissions. Over 75% of our total carbon inventory relates to three categories within Scope 3, all relating to the carbon performance of our rental fleet in both the embodied carbon and usage carbon.

  • Waste, business travel, employee commuting, and other
  • Purchased goods and services
  • Capital goods
  • Use of sold products
  • Downstream leased assets

Read about our carbon emissions inventory

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Carbon emissions inventory

Scope 1 and 2 emissions inventory FY2023/24

    2024 2023
UK Scope 1 (Tonnes CO2e) 13,469 15,946
  Scope 2 Location-based (Tonnes CO2e) 1,650 1,269
  Scope 2 Market-based (Tonnes CO2e)
  Total Scope 1 & 2 Location-based (Tonnes CO2e) 15,119 17,215
  Total Scope 1 & 2 Market-based (Tonnes CO2e) 13,469 15,946
  Energy consumption of Scope 1 & 2 (kWh) 56.9m 65.4m
  Intensity Ratio Location-based Tonnes CO2e (gross Scope 1 + 2) / £1 million revenue 46 52
  Intensity Ratio Market-based Tonnes CO2e (gross Scope 1 + 2) / £1 million revenue 41 48
Global Global Scope 1 (Tonnes CO2e) 15,137 18,252
  Scope 2 Location-based (Tonnes CO2e) 1,859 1,460
  Scope 2 Market-based (Tonnes CO2e) 209 191
  Total Scope 1 & 2 Location-based (Tonnes CO2e) 16,996 19,782
  Total Scope 1 & 2 Market-based (Tonnes CO2e) 15,346 18,513
  Energy consumption of Scope 1 & 2 (kWh) 64.9m 73.6m
  Intensity Ratio Location-based Tonnes CO2e (gross Scope 1 + 2) / £1 million revenue 46 53
  Intensity Ratio Market-based Tonnes CO2e (gross Scope 1 + 2) / £1 million revenue 42 50

Scope 3 emissions inventory (tonnes (CO2e)

Scope 3 Purchased Goods and Services (PG&S) 53,778 68,132
  Capital Goods 64,897 47,604
  Use of Sold Products 136,689 136,427
  Downstream Leased Assets 85,843 86,953
  Other Scope 3 Categories 16,614 16,728
  Total Scope 3 (CO2e) 357,821 355,844
  Total Group Carbon Inventory (market based) 373,167 374,287

ESG highlights and targets

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ESG strategy

Read our ESG Strategy which provides a comprehensive overview of our work.

Our Policies

Net zero roadmap

View our roadmap which shows the steps we plan to take to reach net zero by 2050.


Supporting our customers’ sustainability strategies.

Colleagues and community

Our people are specialists and drive the quality of service and solutions that we provide to customers.


The Group is committed to improving its environmental footprint through continual review and adaptive management.

Supply chain

The assessment of our sustainability performance will not be limited to our operations. Under our commitments to manage our Scope 3 emissions, we will review both upstream and downstream activities from our operations.


Find out more about the standards we are working to and the frameworks with which we align to.