
Acting responsibly as a business is at the core of everything we do

Our approach is supported through a robust governance framework.

Governance structure

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Governance structure

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ESG standards and frameworks

Read a summary of our standards and frameworks

Summary of standards and frameworks

Standard / Framework Status Link to strategic impact
ISO 50001: Energy Management Accredited until April 2026 Aligned to our strategy of creating a lower carbon operation across our trading estate.
Task Force for Climate Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) See Annual Report 2024 The impact of climate change is considered in our key businesses processes.
Our strategy of providing sustainable solutions through our fleet investment demonstrates our commitment. Investment in sustainable fleet is now considered business as usual in our Divisions with powered products.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Our complete emissions inventory and targets for emissions reduction were validated by the SBTI in November 2023 The conclusions of our validation process are being used at the heart of our strategic approach to shape our hire fleet.
Sustainable Procurement Policy (SPP) In Fy23 the Group finalised and implemented our SPP and communicated this to our key companies in our supply chain. The values we expect of our suppliers has been defined. We are working with our suppliers to achieve a common aim.
Task Force for Nature Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) The Group is in the process of assessing the impact of this in relation to our governance processes The business addressed this in its conventional horizon scanning process.
IFRS S1 and S2 The Group will release further comment around these areas in FY24 These disclosure requirements are aligned closely to our existing TCFD disclosures.


Supporting our customers’ sustainability strategies.

Colleagues and community

Our people are specialists and drive the quality of service and solutions that we provide to customers.


The Group is committed to improving its environmental footprint through continual review and adaptive management.

Supply chain

The assessment of our sustainability performance will not be limited to our operations. Under our commitments to manage our Scope 3 emissions, we will review both upstream and downstream activities from our operations.